Tie: Space Mountain

and the Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover

Photo Credit- ExpressMonorail on flickr
I'm "classified" as a soprano according to my old voice teacher lol but I can switch between all of them. And yes, I did- the name on youtube was futrdisneydncr. When I started vlogging I kind of faded away with the fandubs.
well right now I'm not worried- since I'm not a face character or even a CM. if and when I am a face character, a lot of my stuff will go private.
I actually have never been to any of the parks outside WDW- I really want to go to Disneyland and the Tokyo parks, though. My dad doesn't go because of his work. It's near impossible for him to have enough time to go down for a full vacation. He has gone with us before, but for like, one day. Seriously. Last summer he got to go to Epcot for a day. We try to get him to be able to go, but it just doesn't work out. I wish he could go more!
It's to a lesser degree lol but they truly love it like I do. They're just as excited to go back every time as I am. :) They're just not as OCD about Disney as I am lol
You're welcome! She was an awesome Ariel- one of my favorites!
I have! I think people forget I haven't been a CM... I don't know, but I know it was the same friend. I met her as Ariel and then saw pictures of her as Aurora. I recognized her immediately because she was one of my fav Ariel's. I'll try to find the pictures again and I'll put them on my tumblr. If you don't have the link here it is: hockeyprincess.tumblr.com
That trio was from a show that ended in 2001 in Disneyland called "Animazement." If you search for that on YouTube you can find the whole show. It's pretty fun!
No- they'll take your picture there, and there will be sheets to fill out. You can take one and give it to them if you want- but it's not necessary.
1- Beauty and the Beast - 2 - Currently I'm a fan of Wizards, but I used to LOVE Even Stevens. - 3 - Since I already used Beauty and the Beast, I'll use my second favorite Princess- Sleeping Beauty.
I don't know for sure- I've heard Alyssa Milano, but I'm not quite sure if that's true.
The CP auditions are almost identical to the WDW auditions- I have never been to an audition for any of the parks outside the US. I would imagine that for the specific acting roles you need a headshot and resume and you would have to do a monologue. For character roles, all of that probably isn't needed. The only thing with the international parks is that they don't have many auditions in the US for them. Sometimes they do, but like Disneyland Paris holds auditions in France and England, Tokyo and Hong Kong hold a lot of their auditions in Australia. They sometimes have US auditions, though- you would just have to watch disneyauditions.com
Truthfully- I really don't know. I have heard that most of the princess dresses go up to a 10, but I've never heard about Ariel's fin.
Believe me- I knew going into this that I wasn't guaranteed to make a lot of money in this profession. They tell us the first day of school that if you're in this for the $, you're in the wrong profession. I can do acting anywhere- so I can move around if I need to find work, but if I can't do well in acting I have other plans. I may get a second degree in Broadcast Journalism to fall back on. And I have lots of other interests and skills- so if acting doesn't work out- I should be fine.
It's less though because they take out housing costs.
Well I intend to continue auditioning until they do hire me lol they'll finally hire me just so that I'll stop badgering them. But if I don't get at WDW- I'm going to try for Disneyland in CA. If I don't get either, I'm either going to try auditioning for other theme parks or move to LA and try my hand at TV/movies. I'm an acting major, so no matter what, I'm going to be performing somewhere.
That's taken straight from disneyauditions.com. I doubt they're allowed to post one pay rate and then give them another.
Well it depends on the role- Attractions starts @ $7.35/hr, QSFB starts at $7.85/hr, Characters receive more- Face get $11.75 starting, Fur get $9.00/hr.
I don't know anything that is too behind the scenes, considering I'm not there yet lol Anything I would know you could find online- that's where I found it :)
I just think my coloring isn't the greatest for Ariel- I'm really pale with really dark eyebrows. That just leads me to think I am better suited to Snow and/or Belle. I have ways to make my eyebrows red, so if they're okay with that, then I'm probably an okay Ariel, too. I just know that a lot of girls who play Ariel are natural blondes, because then they can make their eyebrows look naturally red. (I guess lol)
A: If I don't get entertainment, I'd love to do Attractions. Spieling rides like Jungle and GMR are my first choice, but I know those are tough to get. But Attractions would be my second choice. And then I would continue to audition for entertainment to extend and then hopefully go FT.
I agree- Belle does seem to have a lot of leniency when it comes to her face characteristics. I know for most of the princesses they like big eyes. In the movie she seems to have more of a heart shaped or round face and I have seen Belle's with that, but I have also seen girls with longer faces.
A: I would love to be friends with Snow White and Belle. I would also love to be friends with Ariel, but that one is a long shot for me, I believe.