So USA played Canada tonight. I was very torn. I'm an American. But I am a HUGE Sidney Crosby fan, who is Canadian. So who did I cheer for? Well... I really didn't cheer for either, but I kind of cheered for both lol When something happened for either team I just said "I'm happy and sad at the same time!" It was a very confusing night for me haha
I am no closer to deciding which audition I should go to. I started to lean towards Pittsburgh, but then my mom said if we're going to FL, I might as well audition down there and use my FL address. But then I mentioned that the Pitt audition is a week earlier than the FL one and she got just as confused as I am. I've decided to wait to make a decision until after Disney posts the audition for Orlando on the site. I'm going to see first of all if they're even having one on Apr 1st and if they are, what they are auditioning for. If they're not auditioning for the range of stuff they are in Pitt, I think I will go to Pitt. But who knows.
On a different Disney note, I'm planning a new costume :) Duh duh duh duuuuuh!!! (that is to be read as a fanfare lol):

I'm starting to work on a White Queen costume from the new Alice movie! I haven't seen more than the trailers, but she already is my favorite character. It's definitely a role I would want to play. I have a white prom dress that I bought for really cheap that I'm going to alter into this dress. It will take a while, but it shouldn't be too difficult. I'll post updates on here of the costume!
School's good. It doesn't help me concentrate when there are 5000 College program posters and flyers up all over campus. But other than that it's good. Keeping up with my theatre stuff.. barely keeping up with my one General class. Geology... ugh. That reminds me... I need to work on that.
Hopefully once we get into the month of March I will be able to update about what audition I plan on going to.
And I hope to get another vlog up this week- so watch for that.
Glargggg...that costume is GORGEOUS. I look forward to seeing your progress on it.Not sure if this is in anyway helpful, but I use this website for all my costuming resources. :D
They have some great detail shots of the dress itself.
Oh my goodnes Carolyn- thank you SO much for that link!!!!!! I've been googling pictures of her dress and never found this site! It's perfect- it's going to make my life soo much easier. When I would google the dress I never found anything this detailed :)
ReplyDeleteAh! I'm glad I could be helpful! Those pictures are really great details shots. I didn't realize how intense the bodice really is. @_@
ReplyDeleteGood luck!