Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've jumped on the bandwagon...

I have officially jumped on the polyvore bandwagon. And I must say... I'm addicted. It's so fun. I've done a few already and here's some of my favorites :)

This is my dream outfit to go eat at Le Cellier. If I was going to dress up and (finally after so long) get to eat at Le Cellier- and I had unlimited amounts of money to spend on my outfit- this would be it! Don't you just love the maple leaf necklace?!

An Animal Kingdom inspired outfit :)

Snow White inspired outfit! I am seriously trying to get together the yellow dress, blue sweater outfit. I LOVE it.

Here's a link to my profile on polyvore-


  1. omg love your Snow White outfit!! How cute is that! :D

  2. this is so cute!!!! I am doing it now. I love the disney inspired looks!
