Friday, February 5, 2010

Make Everyday A Fairytale....

Hey guys!

So this is just a head's up- nothing's really been started yet.

It's always been upsetting to me that adults cannot wear costumes in the parks. Don't get me wrong- I totally understand why it's not allowed and I agree with it. I just sometimes want to look like a princess in the parks. So because of that I am in the process of creating my very own line of princess-inspired tops. They'll be comfortable and casual, but still look like the princesses (and other characters) that we all love. That way us grown up girls can be princesses in the parks, too.
I have always had an interest in designing. I actually designed a lot of my dance costumes growing up. Now with the help of my talented MeMe (grandmother to all of and some great learning through my freshman year Costuming class, I am getting to be a pretty decent sewer myself (I'm not going to say seamstress- I'm not near that yet.). This is something I've wanted to do for a long time and now that I'm really sure in my abilities I'm so happy to get started.

Right now I just have my basic designs done. Hopefully soon I will get some samples made and get them listed on etsy. My etsy shop is called EverydayAFairytale - There's nothing up now, but in the near future there will be all of my designs.

When I actually get them for sale I will let everyone know. Thanks for reading!

BTW- ask me stuff!!

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