Yep, you read that right- I got my driver's license!!!
Just took my test about 2 hours ago. I'm ecstatic. I waited about 4 years to get it and I'm so glad I passed. Now I don't have to walk to school anymore, not totally reliant on my parents taking me places, and when I move to Florida I am now SURE that I will be able to get around. =D EEEEE!!!!
Yeah, that's about it lol Short post- awesome subject.
Have a Magical Day- I know I will!
BTW people- Ask Me Stuff!!! My formspring is lonely! It doesn't even have to be Disney related. Just stupid random stuff will make me happy :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I've jumped on the bandwagon...
I have officially jumped on the polyvore bandwagon. And I must say... I'm addicted. It's so fun. I've done a few already and here's some of my favorites :)

This is my dream outfit to go eat at Le Cellier. If I was going to dress up and (finally after so long) get to eat at Le Cellier- and I had unlimited amounts of money to spend on my outfit- this would be it! Don't you just love the maple leaf necklace?!

An Animal Kingdom inspired outfit :)

Snow White inspired outfit! I am seriously trying to get together the yellow dress, blue sweater outfit. I LOVE it.
Here's a link to my profile on polyvore-

This is my dream outfit to go eat at Le Cellier. If I was going to dress up and (finally after so long) get to eat at Le Cellier- and I had unlimited amounts of money to spend on my outfit- this would be it! Don't you just love the maple leaf necklace?!

An Animal Kingdom inspired outfit :)

Snow White inspired outfit! I am seriously trying to get together the yellow dress, blue sweater outfit. I LOVE it.
Here's a link to my profile on polyvore-
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hockey, Disney, and School. In that Order.
Hey everyone!
So USA played Canada tonight. I was very torn. I'm an American. But I am a HUGE Sidney Crosby fan, who is Canadian. So who did I cheer for? Well... I really didn't cheer for either, but I kind of cheered for both lol When something happened for either team I just said "I'm happy and sad at the same time!" It was a very confusing night for me haha
I am no closer to deciding which audition I should go to. I started to lean towards Pittsburgh, but then my mom said if we're going to FL, I might as well audition down there and use my FL address. But then I mentioned that the Pitt audition is a week earlier than the FL one and she got just as confused as I am. I've decided to wait to make a decision until after Disney posts the audition for Orlando on the site. I'm going to see first of all if they're even having one on Apr 1st and if they are, what they are auditioning for. If they're not auditioning for the range of stuff they are in Pitt, I think I will go to Pitt. But who knows.
On a different Disney note, I'm planning a new costume :) Duh duh duh duuuuuh!!! (that is to be read as a fanfare lol):

I'm starting to work on a White Queen costume from the new Alice movie! I haven't seen more than the trailers, but she already is my favorite character. It's definitely a role I would want to play. I have a white prom dress that I bought for really cheap that I'm going to alter into this dress. It will take a while, but it shouldn't be too difficult. I'll post updates on here of the costume!
School's good. It doesn't help me concentrate when there are 5000 College program posters and flyers up all over campus. But other than that it's good. Keeping up with my theatre stuff.. barely keeping up with my one General class. Geology... ugh. That reminds me... I need to work on that.
Hopefully once we get into the month of March I will be able to update about what audition I plan on going to.
And I hope to get another vlog up this week- so watch for that.
So USA played Canada tonight. I was very torn. I'm an American. But I am a HUGE Sidney Crosby fan, who is Canadian. So who did I cheer for? Well... I really didn't cheer for either, but I kind of cheered for both lol When something happened for either team I just said "I'm happy and sad at the same time!" It was a very confusing night for me haha
I am no closer to deciding which audition I should go to. I started to lean towards Pittsburgh, but then my mom said if we're going to FL, I might as well audition down there and use my FL address. But then I mentioned that the Pitt audition is a week earlier than the FL one and she got just as confused as I am. I've decided to wait to make a decision until after Disney posts the audition for Orlando on the site. I'm going to see first of all if they're even having one on Apr 1st and if they are, what they are auditioning for. If they're not auditioning for the range of stuff they are in Pitt, I think I will go to Pitt. But who knows.
On a different Disney note, I'm planning a new costume :) Duh duh duh duuuuuh!!! (that is to be read as a fanfare lol):

I'm starting to work on a White Queen costume from the new Alice movie! I haven't seen more than the trailers, but she already is my favorite character. It's definitely a role I would want to play. I have a white prom dress that I bought for really cheap that I'm going to alter into this dress. It will take a while, but it shouldn't be too difficult. I'll post updates on here of the costume!
School's good. It doesn't help me concentrate when there are 5000 College program posters and flyers up all over campus. But other than that it's good. Keeping up with my theatre stuff.. barely keeping up with my one General class. Geology... ugh. That reminds me... I need to work on that.
Hopefully once we get into the month of March I will be able to update about what audition I plan on going to.
And I hope to get another vlog up this week- so watch for that.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
If you couldn't tell by the title- I'm kind of confused....
You all know I am planning on auditioning for a Seasonal role with WDW Entertainment for this summer, right? Right.
My plan was to audition during my spring break on April 6th in Orlando. I was told by a CM in casting that my best bet was to audition in March/April. So I was planning on going to WDW for my spring break and auditioning that Thursday. (Which I don't even know for sure if there will be an audition that day...)
Well now the CP audition dates go up on and they're coming to Pittsburgh, as usual. But it says that they are also auditioning for Full Time/PT/Seasonal roles in Pittsburgh. They say they're looking for Character Performers for shows and parades and Princess look-a-likes. Well those are things I want!
Now I don't know what my best option would be.
Here's my pros and cons of each:
Orlando Audition:
Pros: ~ It's in Orlando- shows I'm there and really eager.
~ get to go to WDW for spring break
~ I can use my Florida address ( I guess I could use that anywhere, though...)
Cons: ~ It's in Orlando - I would have to travel.
~ It's a week after the Pittsburgh audition- the more time passes, the more auditions they have, the less spots they have open
Pittsburgh Audition:
Pros: ~ It's close to where I am now- only about an hour away
~ It's a week before the Orlando Audition
~ If they're actually making the effort to have FT auditions there, it means they want people.
Cons: ~ I would be a person from PA trying to get seasonal in PA- I heard before that they really shy away from giving people from outside FL Seasonal roles (that could have been bad info, though)
It's the same people doing the auditions in both places, I believe. I mean, I've had the same people at almost every audition.
So what do you all think? I'm so confused right now.... This is all I have ever wanted and I really want to get the job for the summer. It just aches in my bones how much I want this... I am open to any of your opinions or advice. Let me know!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Apparently I live in Narnia now...
Seriously- where's my Prince Caspian?!
It does nothing but snow here anymore. I'm so sick of it. I hate walking almost a mile to class in the snow. (I wouldn't have this problem if I wasn't a loser who doesn't have her license...) But I have to do it. Unfortunately.
So this post isn't going to have too much in it. Not too much has happened recently. Just going about school stuff. Oh! I did learn that many of my friends are going to be in WDW when I am over Spring Break! That'll be really fun- we're going to meet up hopefully and eat or something. I'm excited. I always go with my family- and while I absolutely love going with them, it's such a different experience with friends your own age.
I'm going to do a shameless plug for my vlog and formspring.
Vlog: KatAndTheMouse
- Subscribe, Comment, and such!
Formspring: katarina0711
- Ask me stuff!!!! I'm bored!
Check those out guys! When I get closer to doing actual Disney stuff it will get exciting- I promise! lol
Have a Magical Day guys!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hey Everyone!
So I officially started a Vlog!!! Here's the link to my channel:
(The first blog is still uploading as I type this, so it may take a little while to come online. Sorry!)
I don't have too much to talk about yet, but hopefully I will be able to keep them entertaining until I have some real stuff to talk about.
If you have any ideas you want me to talk about - let me know!
And don't forget to formspring me!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
ArtsGive 2010
Last Night, my college held a fundraiser for Haiti relief called ArtsGive. It featured music, dance, theater, art, and even puppetry! It was a free event, but we asked for donations to 3 different charities and organizations doing work in Haiti. We also auctioned off art and old show posters.
I was able to participate in 3 different pieces throughout the night. I sang with the musical I am in later this semester (More on that another day.), did a piece of text from a Haitian writer, and performed a solo dance. My solo dance actually had a WDW connection! I danced to "We Go On" from Illuminations :) I felt it went really well, and it got a great reception from my friends and other audience members. My best friend recorded it, so when I get the video link I will post it here.
Update!- Here's the link to our musical performance from the show! I am the brunette in the red tshirt- second from the right! (I come in at about 1:28): Kingdom Come - Artsgive Performance!
All in all the night went very well! The performances went off without a hitch. It featured students from the divisions of music and theater. We also had a great performance from The Hide and Seek Effect- an up and coming band in my area. You should check them out!
We raised over $2000 to send to Haiti! How awesome is that?!
That's actually a really great number, considering the collection at the WVU vs. Pitt game (with 16,000 people in attendance) only raised $1700. We only had about 200 people. Just proves how powerful the arts can be and how generous supporters of the arts are.
In other news- I started a vlog! I don't have any videos yet, but I set up my YouTube channel. As soon as I get a video up, I will let you all know!
Have a Magical Day!
I was able to participate in 3 different pieces throughout the night. I sang with the musical I am in later this semester (More on that another day.), did a piece of text from a Haitian writer, and performed a solo dance. My solo dance actually had a WDW connection! I danced to "We Go On" from Illuminations :) I felt it went really well, and it got a great reception from my friends and other audience members. My best friend recorded it, so when I get the video link I will post it here.
Update!- Here's the link to our musical performance from the show! I am the brunette in the red tshirt- second from the right! (I come in at about 1:28): Kingdom Come - Artsgive Performance!
All in all the night went very well! The performances went off without a hitch. It featured students from the divisions of music and theater. We also had a great performance from The Hide and Seek Effect- an up and coming band in my area. You should check them out!
We raised over $2000 to send to Haiti! How awesome is that?!
That's actually a really great number, considering the collection at the WVU vs. Pitt game (with 16,000 people in attendance) only raised $1700. We only had about 200 people. Just proves how powerful the arts can be and how generous supporters of the arts are.
In other news- I started a vlog! I don't have any videos yet, but I set up my YouTube channel. As soon as I get a video up, I will let you all know!
Have a Magical Day!
What's New in WDW for 2010?
So yesterday we got some announcements about what's new in the
world of Disney Parks. Here are the announcements courtesy of The DisUnplugged.
Summer Nightastic! Announcement - Meg Crofton
Fantasyland Expansion / Disney Cruise Line Announcement - Al Weiss
world of Disney Parks. Here are the announcements courtesy of The DisUnplugged.
Summer Nightastic! Announcement - Meg Crofton
Fantasyland Expansion / Disney Cruise Line Announcement - Al Weiss
So let's talk about these!
First off- Summer Nightastic!
I am super excited about this. The return of Main Street
Electrical Parade, new fireworks in MK, and lots of other
things! It's going to be awesome. It adds the fact that I absolutely
NEED to work there this summer. I want to be a part of it! I
would love to get trained in the Electrical Parade, but that's
dreaming a little :)
Electrical Parade, new fireworks in MK, and lots of other
things! It's going to be awesome. It adds the fact that I absolutely
NEED to work there this summer. I want to be a part of it! I
would love to get trained in the Electrical Parade, but that's
dreaming a little :)
As we get more info on this summer event, I'll talk some more about it.
Next- the Fantasyland Expansion.
Al Weiss didn't really say too much that we didn't know
already. I am also really excited for the expansion. I think
it will be an amazing addition to the MK. The idea of meeting
princesses in their own lands is pure genius. AND the thing I
am most excited for? Not the new Ariel ride, not seeing Cinderella's
dress change before me- I am most excited for the Be Our Guest
restaurant!! It is going to be AMAZING. I mean, who wouldn't
want to eat in that grand ballroom. I will be one of the first
to get reservations, believe me.
already. I am also really excited for the expansion. I think
it will be an amazing addition to the MK. The idea of meeting
princesses in their own lands is pure genius. AND the thing I
am most excited for? Not the new Ariel ride, not seeing Cinderella's
dress change before me- I am most excited for the Be Our Guest
restaurant!! It is going to be AMAZING. I mean, who wouldn't
want to eat in that grand ballroom. I will be one of the first
to get reservations, believe me.
My only beef with the Expansion is that Snow White is not
given a special place. What gives? Wasn't she Walt's first princess?
Why is there no love for her? In my humble opinion, I think that
they should refurb the old Skyway station in Fantasyland to be
Snow's meet and greet "world." It looks perfect enough already-
just change a few things and get rid of the stroller parking down
below it. Like that idea? Let's start a petition lol
given a special place. What gives? Wasn't she Walt's first princess?
Why is there no love for her? In my humble opinion, I think that
they should refurb the old Skyway station in Fantasyland to be
Snow's meet and greet "world." It looks perfect enough already-
just change a few things and get rid of the stroller parking down
below it. Like that idea? Let's start a petition lol
Jasmine doesn't get much recognition either, but I guess she
already has her specific location... not enough for me,
but at least she got a special place.
already has her specific location... not enough for me,
but at least she got a special place.
Lastly- the Disney Cruise Line.
I am so excited (I have said that way too much in this blog...)
for the Disney Dream. I have never been on a cruise and
I have wanted to go on a Disney cruise for a long time.
However, my graduation present (a little over a year from now- AHH!!)
is going to be a cruise on the Dream :)
for the Disney Dream. I have never been on a cruise and
I have wanted to go on a Disney cruise for a long time.
However, my graduation present (a little over a year from now- AHH!!)
is going to be a cruise on the Dream :)
So much excitement for that!!! The new ship looks absolutely amazing
and I cannot wait to ride the Aquaduck!
and I cannot wait to ride the Aquaduck!
That's it for this post- What are your thoughts on these three things?
Let me know- comment!
Let me know- comment!
Also- don't forget to ask me stuff on my formspring- it can be anything!
I love answering questions!
I love answering questions!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
No News is Good News? Maybe..
New layout! I don't know if I'm satisfied with it, but it's definitely cuter than my last one. Let me know what you think!
Credit for the amazing picture of the Partners statue in the title goes to ExpressMonorail of flickr/The Dis. Such an amazing photographer! (BTW Joe- If you see this and don't want me using it, please let me know!)
Not much new to report. Still at school. Still wanting to be in Florida. What else is new? We didn't have class yesterday due to the Snowpocalypse. Classes after 5 today got cancelled. So I'm kind of hoping for no school tomorrow.. but we'll see about that.
Again- Congrats to all the people that got accepted for the CP!
Don't forget to ask me stuff on formspring! I have a nice new little widget down and to the right- so try it out!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Blizzard of 2010
First of all I want to say Congrats to all the people who got accepted for Fall 2010!! You all must be over the moon :) I can't wait to read all about it in your blogs!
Do you want to see some snow pictures?! You do?! OKAY!
My trampoline had so much snow on it, it was being pushed down to the ground.
This is my house all snowed in :)
Do you want to see some snow pictures?! You do?! OKAY!
That is half of my fence you can see... The other half is covered by snow.
Last night our power went off about 12 times then shut off completely. This meant no electricity and no heat. oh what fun.. Then today we got power back but no cable or tv. Some people around me had no phone either.
Today was a rather boring day due to the fact we couldn't go anywhere. I walked around my neighborhood and took these and lots of other pictures, but that turned out to be more of a workout than fun. I kept sinking into the snow that was knee deep and fell a couple times. And then I tried to clear all that snow off the trampoline... I got about half of it off. It was horrible. But it was kind of pretty I guess. I can take this every once in a while but I just kept thinking "I bet it's sunny in Florida..."
Friday, February 5, 2010
Make Everyday A Fairytale....
Hey guys!
So this is just a head's up- nothing's really been started yet.
It's always been upsetting to me that adults cannot wear costumes in the parks. Don't get me wrong- I totally understand why it's not allowed and I agree with it. I just sometimes want to look like a princess in the parks. So because of that I am in the process of creating my very own line of princess-inspired tops. They'll be comfortable and casual, but still look like the princesses (and other characters) that we all love. That way us grown up girls can be princesses in the parks, too.
I have always had an interest in designing. I actually designed a lot of my dance costumes growing up. Now with the help of my talented MeMe (grandmother to all of and some great learning through my freshman year Costuming class, I am getting to be a pretty decent sewer myself (I'm not going to say seamstress- I'm not near that yet.). This is something I've wanted to do for a long time and now that I'm really sure in my abilities I'm so happy to get started.
Right now I just have my basic designs done. Hopefully soon I will get some samples made and get them listed on etsy. My etsy shop is called EverydayAFairytale - There's nothing up now, but in the near future there will be all of my designs.
When I actually get them for sale I will let everyone know. Thanks for reading!
BTW- ask me stuff!!
So this is just a head's up- nothing's really been started yet.
It's always been upsetting to me that adults cannot wear costumes in the parks. Don't get me wrong- I totally understand why it's not allowed and I agree with it. I just sometimes want to look like a princess in the parks. So because of that I am in the process of creating my very own line of princess-inspired tops. They'll be comfortable and casual, but still look like the princesses (and other characters) that we all love. That way us grown up girls can be princesses in the parks, too.
I have always had an interest in designing. I actually designed a lot of my dance costumes growing up. Now with the help of my talented MeMe (grandmother to all of and some great learning through my freshman year Costuming class, I am getting to be a pretty decent sewer myself (I'm not going to say seamstress- I'm not near that yet.). This is something I've wanted to do for a long time and now that I'm really sure in my abilities I'm so happy to get started.
Right now I just have my basic designs done. Hopefully soon I will get some samples made and get them listed on etsy. My etsy shop is called EverydayAFairytale - There's nothing up now, but in the near future there will be all of my designs.
When I actually get them for sale I will let everyone know. Thanks for reading!
BTW- ask me stuff!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Spring Break!
So I'm going to start planning for Spring Break!
Thankfully it includes a wonderful trip to WDW.
My spring break lasts from March 27th to April 4th. I doubt we will be down there that whole time, but any time is better than no time.
I can't do specifics yet, because we haven't really finalized anything (my family never plans trips far in advance. One time we scheduled an entire on-site stay at WDW a week before- woo for procrastination! ) But I think I'll talk about some things I want to do.
Never done but want to:
- I have never seen the Welcome show at the Magic Kingdom (*gasp*). We just aren't early risers. We get to the park around 11ish usually. My mom didn't even know the show existed. But she wants to see it, too so we are definitely doing it.
- Catch the Kiss Goodnight. Another thing I've never done. And another thing mom didn't know existed.
- EPCOT Segway Tour Around WS. I've wanted to do this for the past couple trips, but never got around to scheduling it. I really hope I schedule it for this trip.
Haven't Done in a While:
- Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue. We haven't done this dinner show since my first or second time to WDW. Of course I don't remember it, but what I've seen on youtube I KNOW I want to go back. Goal for that night: get chosen to be in the show!
- Eat at Le Cellier: This one will probably be the most difficult. But my mom's been wanting to eat there for the past couple trips. We never can get reservations. Here's hoping we can this time.
An awesome addition to this trip is the fact that two of my friends from school are going down for break, too. So we are meeting for lunch and rides and such. It will be really fun.
The main reason I want to go, though, is that there will probably be an audition during that week. If WDW Auditions continues the pattern they're taking, the audition will be that Thursday. So, fingers crossed that this audition will be the one. :)
The closer we get to my Spring Break the more I will talk about it.
I'm super excited!
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