Hello all!
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Katarina.
I am a junior at West Virginia University pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting.
I love the Pittsburgh Penguins and Steelers.
I love to watch TV and read.
Dancing, singing, and acting are my passions.
But that's not what this blog is about. This blog is about me and The Mouse.
Ever since my first trip to Walt Disney World I have been obsessed with the parks, the characters, and basically anything Disney. My life kind of revolves around Disney and most importantly, getting a job performing there.
My biggest dream in life is to be an Entertainment Cast Member in WDW.
It's all I talk about and all I think about. I truly obsess. But that's okay- because it just means I am truly driven about getting my dreams.
So far, I have been trying. A lot.
My first audition for WDW was in Pittsburgh in 2008. I passed the audition, but was told there were no positions available in my height range. (Aka - I was placed in the Character Pool.)
I went to Orlando in Oct. of 2008 to audition again- same response.
June of 2009 - same response.
So obviously, I'm good enough- they just don't have room.
I am planning to audition for something seasonal again in April- but I'm not holding my breath. I will be hopeful, but I know that this is one of the most competitive jobs to get in WDW and they're cutting back, too. So that won't make it any easier.
If I don't get anything seasonal before I graduate, I plan on doing the WDW College Program the semester after I graduate.
So that's what this blog will be about- Hopefully most of the time it will be info on what I'm doing to achieve my goals. I'll talk about going to audition, going on vacation, and if the time comes- applying for the CP. Sometimes it will be ramblings about Disney, sometimes about things that aren't Disney.
Thanks for reading and have a magical day!