After weeks of agonizing waiting when I thought I was going to lose my mind, and weeks of hearing "Did you hear anything yet?" more times than I ever want to again in my life- on one glorious morning I found out that I would be finally living my dream.
Here's a replay of February 9th, 2011.
It's a Wednesday. Waking up at 8am for my 9am Theatre History class with one of the most boring professors in the department... My alarm is blaring. I reach over to turn it off and do the same thing I've done the past two mornings: Knock an entire glass of water over and onto my nightstand. Ugh. I move everything and clean it up.. Go to my computer. After weeks of waiting you stop believing your email is going to come. I get on facebook and see that people got emails this morning. I think I remember seeing Lisa's post- we had just talked the night before about how tomorrow just might be the day. I look at my little tear-off princess calendar. Today is the first day without a picture- it just says "Every dreamer has her day..." Could it be? I take a breath and click the button for Yahoo. I have 3 emails. My heart starts racing. Click on my inbox. Right there- right at the top. An email from Disney College Recruiting. Oh! Not only that- but the subject says "Your Invitation". My heart is really pounding now. I click on it. And there is the most beautiful email I will ever see in my life- bright purple with green Mickey's and yellow pixie dust. What I've been praying for! I immediately start to cry as I read the words telling me that starting this summer I will be living in Florida and working for Disney. I call my mom and wake her up- then call my grandma as my mom calls my Dad. Mass text messages are sent to both classmates and D-fam alike. The waiting is over. My dreams are coming true.
So that was that morning. That was the first theatre history class I think I was actually awake for. haha And that day continued to get better - I found out later that Kryssy got accepted, too. We wanted to room together, but couldn't make it official until we both found out- then we knew it was a sure thing! I cannot describe in words how elated I was that day. I told anybody I saw that I got it and even interrupted a faculty meeting to let all of my professors know. :) (They told me that it was a good reason to interrupt lol) That very day I accepted and paid the program fee. I will be checking in at Vista Way on June 6th, 2011.
I had plans to drive part of the way and then take the AutoTrain to Florida, but my car is very, very little and I had no clue how I was going to get anything down there. So now my dad is driving our giant SUV and towing my car so I can take everything I need with me. That should be fun- Get to see a little bit more of the country on my way down. The last time I drove to Disney was my senior trip on a charter bus- that wasn't fun at all. I need to save some good memories of driving there lol
So far, almost all of my D-fam has been accepted. A few are pending- I am praying they hear back soon and that the response is a positive one. A couple are still waiting due to later applications- so I hope they hear back soon, too.
I cannot wait to get down there. I just know that it is going to be one of the greatest experiences of my life with some of the greatest people I have (virtually) met. :) But I still have a lot in between now and then- School, Guys & Dolls, Graduation, Senior Showcase in NYC, and a Disney cruise all take place before June 6th. It's going to be an amazing year!
Thanks for reading! And make sure you visit my Vlog, Twitter, and Tumblr to keep up with everything before the program and then all of my WDWCP adventures. All the links are on the right. ---->
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