I'm scared to death that I didn't sound passionate enough and didn't say the right things in my interview. When she asked me why I want to work for Disney, I left out the biggest reason. I don't know how, I just know that I remembered it as she was asking me the next question. I am so mad at myself for doing that. It was something that would have sounded really great.
I'm also mad at myself for another thing. She asked me about theater experience and she asked me what the longest piece of text I ever memorized was. I said "A Shakespeare piece that I did recently. It was 2-3 minutes long and I memorized it in a week." That was so stupid. I know I've memorized things longer than that and I've memorized things quicker than that. GAAAHHH.
Why do I panic in situations like this?! Because when I do, I forget important things... I mean... I believe the rest of my interview went well, I'm just dwelling on the negatives. And I needed to air my frustrations somewhere- and what else are blogs for? So that's that. It's over. It's done with. I can't change it. Now I just have to wait.
Prayers, fingers crossed, and pixie dust that those things were just bad to me, not my interviewer...